Financial fitness: Mid-year check-in for military families

July 3, 2024

Whether you're saving for a big change, preparing for the upcoming school year, or aiming to manage your spending more efficiently, a mid-year financial check-up can set you up for success in the months ahead. Let's explore some practical steps to ensure your finances are as strong as your family.

Summer lovin’: Self-care edition for military spouses

July 3, 2024

With the kids out of school and the days longer, finding moments for yourself can be a game-changer for your mental and emotional well-being. Here are some simple, effective self-care strategies to help you recharge this summer. Remember, your well-being is a priority and taking care of yourself is a testament to your value and importance.

Preparing for hurricane season: Essential tips for homeowners

June 4, 2024

As summer approaches, it's time to start thinking about hurricane season. Hurricanes can wreak havoc on homes and properties, but with the right preparation, you can minimize the impact and keep your family safe. Here are some practical tips to help you get ready.

Summer travel safety tips: Ensuring a safe and enjoyable vacation

June 4, 2024

Summer is here, and it's time to hit the road for that much-anticipated vacation. Whether you're heading to the beach, the mountains, or an exotic destination, it's important to stay safe and enjoy your time away. Here are some practical tips to ensure a smooth and enjoyable trip.

Green thumbs up: How your spring garden grows more than just flowers

April 2, 2024

As military families, we understand the importance of making each new house feel like a home, no matter how temporary our stay may be. From backyard vegetable patches to potted plants on the front porch, adding a touch of green can transform any space. But did you know that these small efforts can also reflect positively on your home insurance with Armed Forces Insurance? Let's dig into how nurturing your green thumb can potentially spruce up your home’s value and safety, subtly impacting your insurance benefits.

Pack it up, move it out: Your PCS adventure awaits!

April 2, 2024

Ah, the PCS season! It's like the military's version of a surprise vacation, except you're packing up your entire life and moving it across the country (or the globe). Exciting, right? But before you start dreaming about your new home, let's talk about something super important yet often overlooked: renters' and homeowners' insurance. Because let's face it, amidst the chaos of bubble wrap and moving trucks, peace of mind is the ultimate moving hack.

Your PCS peace of mind checklist: More than just boxes

March 4, 2024

Moving can be an overwhelming experience, especially for military families who often face the prospect of a Permanent Change of Station (PCS). While packing and organizing are crucial, there’s a whole other layer to moving that goes beyond just boxes and tape. Here’s your comprehensive PCS checklist to ensure you’re fully prepared, secure, and ready for a seamless transition.

On the road again: Ensuring your journey is safe and secure

March 4, 2024

Moving is a major life event filled with a mix of emotions: excitement for the new, nostalgia for the old, and admittedly, a bit of anxiety for the unknown. But as someone who's been through a few relocations myself, I know that the key to a smooth transition is preparation and the right support. Here’s how you can make your move safer and more secure, while keeping stress levels in check.

Staying together while apart: Navigating long-distance family life as a military spouse

January 30, 2024

We totally get it, managing family life when there's a whole lot of miles between us can be tough. Whether it's due to deployments, training, or just the everyday twists of military life, it often feels like we're counting down until the next reunion. But here's the thing – distance doesn't have to weaken our family bonds. Let's explore some real, practical ways to keep our connections alive and kicking.

Financial love languages: Planning for a secure future together

January 30, 2024

With Valentine's Day around the corner, it's not just chocolates and roses on our minds, but also those deeper expressions of love. Sure, a surprise dinner date or a handwritten note can make our hearts flutter, but what about the less glamorous, more enduring acts of love?

Juggling dreams & duty: How AFI life insurance can be your safety net

January 2, 2024

As military spouses, we're constantly walking that tightrope between chasing our dreams and ensuring our family's well-being. That's where finding that anchor, like a reliable life insurance plan, becomes crucial, and it's not as daunting as it sounds.

Healthy home, happy life: Ensuring wellness in your living space

January 2, 2024

Many of us are thinking about ways to make our homes healthier, happier, and more harmonious. Whether we’re sprucing up our living spaces or just trying to keep the chaos at bay, there’s something deeply satisfying about creating a sanctuary that reflects wellness and peace. But as military families, we know that creating this perfect haven isn’t just about the right furniture or color scheme – it’s also about feeling secure and prepared for the unexpected. That’s where the often-overlooked superhero – insurance – comes into play.

Deck the halls without the falls: Christmas tree safety with Armed Forces Insurance

December 5, 2023

As we all get ready to bring out the Christmas tree and turn our homes into a winter wonderland, let's talk safety and how Armed Forces Insurance has got your back in case those holiday decorations decide to stir up a little unexpected excitement.

Brrr-illiant winter home prep and your winter insurance needs

December 5, 2023

With the holiday season and potential relocations, ensuring that your home is winter-ready is crucial for peace of mind. Here's a comprehensive guide to help you understand and manage your winter insurance needs effectively.

Unwrapping peace of mind: Insuring your precious holiday gifts

December 5, 2023

As military spouses, we're no strangers to making holidays special, even when our loved ones are miles away or we're in the middle of yet another move. In the midst of decking the halls and wrapping presents, let's talk about something super important but often forgotten - ensuring those precious holiday gifts.

When home is everywhere: Understanding homeowner and renter insurance abroad

October 31, 2023

The world is vast, filled with diverse cultures, landscapes, and experiences. For many military spouses stationed overseas, the world also becomes a series of temporary homes. Each destination is unique, and so are the challenges in securing them. A significant concern is understanding how to protect these homes, especially in countries with different insurance norms. Here's your guide to making sense of homeowner's and renter's insurance abroad, with a focus on how Armed Forces Insurance can be your anchor amidst these shifting tides.

The open road: Driving home for the holidays with peace of mind

October 31, 2023

Ah, the holidays! Time for pumpkin pie, grandma's secret stuffing recipe, and... icy roads? Winter holidays often mean driving in less-than-ideal conditions, especially when we're crossing state lines to reunite with family. While the open road is filled with adventures, ensuring our travels are safe is paramount. Let's gear up with some know-how about auto insurance, especially tailored for those chilly holiday drives.

The hidden lifeline: The silent ally every military family deserves

September 28, 2023

As military spouses, we understand the need for stability, security, and peace of mind. Yet, lurking in the shadows is a lifeline many have yet to discover: umbrella insurance. Sometimes seen as a luxury or an 'added extra,' umbrella insurance is often underestimated in its potential to be a financial lifesaver. Here are a few scenarios where umbrella insurance can truly save the day.

Why every military spouse should consider life insurance

September 28, 2023

Life is filled with unexpected moments. For military families, accustomed to distinct challenges and transitions, the need for a dependable safety net is paramount. In this context, we turn our attention to life insurance - a vital safeguard for military spouses, particularly when confronted with unforeseen challenges such as a life-changing medical diagnosis.

Business insurance 101 — Empowering military spouse entrepreneurs

August 31, 2023

Military spouse entrepreneurs uniquely juggle business and service life, deserving specialized protection; Armed Forces Insurance offers tailored, reliable business insurance with a 136-year legacy, covering assets, liabilities, vehicles, workers, and construction risks, ensuring their dream ventures thrive.

Pumpkin spice and preparedness — Making your home fall and storm ready

August 31, 2023

Autumn evokes cozy vibes with its vibrant leaves and pumpkin spice, but amid the season's charm, it's essential to blend fall decor with hurricane preparedness, and AFI’s Renter Insurance ensures you're covered.

Don't get carried away: August homeowner insurance tips for hurricane season

August 1, 2023

You've set out the beach chairs, fired up the grill for those delicious summer barbecues, and filled your August with plans that scream, "summer is here!" But as the sultry winds of August start blowing, there's another thing you need to add to your sunshine-season checklist: homeowner insurance for hurricane season!

College bound? What every student should know about insurance

August 1, 2023

So you've packed your bags, snagged that lucky rabbit's foot from the back of the drawer (just in case), and you're all set to embark on your exciting college journey. But hold up! In the whirlwind of freshman excitement, did you forget about one crucial detail? Insurance!

Summer’s here! Everyday safety tips for your outdoor fun

June 29, 2023

Are you gearing up to plan your summer bucket list? As we head into the months of peak summer fun, it’s important to be prepared and most importantly, safe! We’ve gathered our top outdoor safety tips so that you can focus on soaking up that summer sun and enjoying the great outdoors.

Pack your bags! The 3 essential travel tips for your summer vacation!

June 29, 2023

With everyone eager to pack their bags, it might feel a bit overwhelming when thinking about where to start with your itinerary. Need some travel tips to plan your summer vacation? We’ve gathered our top 3 tips to make the most out of your summer travel plans!

Summer safety checklist

June 12, 2023

Summer is made for fun in the sun! In the midst of family vacations, stay-cations, outdoor adventures, and more, making sure you and your family are safe is always the most important. Use our summer safety checklist to head into your summer with ease!

House prep for summer heat

June 12, 2023

Just like that, the summer heat has arrived in full force! Before you make your way into the great outdoors, you’ll want to ensure that your home is also prepared for the scorching summer heat. Our favorite home preparation tips will help your home stay cool without skyrocketing your energy bill.

Top 5 summer safety tips

June 5, 2023

Whether you’re spending the summer months at the pool, tending to yard work, or traveling to new destinations this season, knowing how to stay safe is vital for all ages. Here are our top safety tips for keeping everyone in your family healthy and happy this summer!

Staying cooler in warmer weather

June 5, 2023

With summer fun comes the summer heat! As temperatures continue to rise and sweat starts to trickle down our backs, here are some tips for staying cool in warmer weather.

Flood preparedness tips during springtime

April 3, 2023

While Spring is known to bring us the first signs of warmth and flowers in bloom, it doesn’t come without Spring showers. Did you know that flooding is the most hazardous weather disaster in the United States?

Hitting the road during peak road trip season

April 3, 2023

We get it. As soon as the first hint of fresh hair hits your face, it’s easy to long for those open roads and head out on a new adventure. You’re not alone! As Spring approaches, the highways begin to feel with eager anticipation as people begin to plan road trips.

Disaster preparedness season

March 1, 2023

As the season turns to Spring, the weather changes are something to pay attention to. Thunderstorms are the top cause of severe weather - which typically means lightning storms, tornadoes, and flooding is not far behind.

Spring storm preparedness season

March 1, 2023

We know it seems like we just got used to the colder weather, but Spring is already around the corner! Before allergy season rolls in at full force, now is a good time to get ahead of the weather that usually comes with Springtime.

Different Types of Business Insurance

January 31, 2023

You know you need business insurance, but now the question is - what kind? While there are many different types of business insurance, it’s important to choose the one you actually need.

Top 5 Reasons To Get Business Insurance

January 31, 2023

It’s a huge accomplishment to even start a business, so naturally, you want to protect it once you get things up and running. As you’re conquering your business to-do’s, make sure getting business insurance is one of your first priorities.

Post-Holiday Theft Protection

January 4, 2023

After the holiday hustle and bustle, there always seems to be a surge in home and vehicle theft across the country. While settling into the New Year after winter break, here are some tips to stay ahead and implement theft protection.

What does my renter or homeowner insurance cover?

January 4, 2023

As you check off your to-do list for the New Year, you probably have insurance on your mind. In this article, we’ll cover what Renters and Homeowners Insurance cover, so you can make an informed decision that works best for you and your needs!

Reduce Winter-Related Hazards

December 1, 2022

As temperatures drop, different seasonal risks emerge. While the holiday season brings a certain kind of joy and fun, it’s helpful to know how to reduce winter-related hazards so you can focus on enjoying a worry-free winter season!

Best Driving Practices for Ice and Snow

December 1, 2022

Preparing to drive in winter conditions always presents its own set of challenges. With the best driving practices and preparedness plans, you can hit the road with ease knowing that you’re doing so safely.

Driving Safety Tips During Holiday Travels

November 2, 2022

Did you know that the busiest time to drive on the roads is between October and December? Many people prefer driving this season rather than flying to avoid the crazy security lines and crowded airports.

Brrr! Time to Prep for Colder Weather

November 2, 2022

As the leaves fall and the winds grow colder, it's time to ensure your home has all the winter gear it needs to keep you and your loved ones warm through the winter months!

Prepare Your Garden For Fall

October 12, 2022

While spring is the time to plant new plants, and summer is the right time to watch them grow, your garden needs care during fall as well!

Safety Tips for Your Pre-Gaming Fun

October 12, 2022

Football season has officially kicked off, and gathering with loved ones before the game can be as much of an event as the game itself! Nothing says fall fun like cheering for your favorite team.

Back To School Safety Tips

September 6, 2022

Back to school season is here! As you swing back into the school year routine and summer draws to a close, it's important to remember – and share with your children – some key tips that will help keep them safe and healthy throughout the school year.

Preparing For Fall

September 6, 2022

Before we know it the autumn breezes will start rolling in, greeting us with the start of Fall! We’ll soon be trading in swimsuits for cozy sweaters. What better time to start prepping your home for the weather to come?

Tips for Safely Storing Summer Toys & Gadgets

July 28, 2022

Before we know it, the summer nights will turn into autumn mornings, and the pool floaties will turn into your favorite flannels. As we transition, we must understand the benefits of adequately storing your summer gear away. Here are some easy-to-follow tips to ensure your belongings are ready for next summer!

Tips for Staying Safe at College

July 28, 2022

Summer break is ending as quickly as it came! As parents, a solid insurance plan for your student(s) is only one piece of the puzzle. Here are tips to give your child to help keep themselves and their belongings safe while they’re away at school.

Trips & Travel

July 8, 2022

As the excitement of travel is at its peak in the summer months, it’s important to keep the belongings you travel with protected. Travel insurance is a type of policy that reimburses you for money you lose from non-refundable deposits and payments when something goes wrong on your trip.

Summer Tips For Renter Insurance

July 8, 2022

Whether staying home or traveling during the summer, renter insurance can help ease your mind of worries in potentially dangerous situations. We call it summer fun for a reason!

Road Trip Tips & Safety

June 2, 2022

Are you skipping planes for the open roads this summer? With summer being one of the top seasons for road travel and sightseeing, it also tends to be the busiest. Here are some tips to make sure you, your family and your vehicle are ready to hit the road.

Protect Yourself from These Summertime Liabilities

June 2, 2022

As the heat of the summer rolls in, we are all eager to get outside and bask in the summer fun! When it comes to activities like backyard BBQ’s, a pool day or heading to the lake for some boating excitement - make sure you’re practicing safety first so you’re not left singing the summertime blues.

Happy Military Appreciation Month!

May 10, 2022

Military Appreciation Month honors those who have bravely served, past and present, in a branch of the U.S. military. This month reminds us that we owe many of our freedoms to the sacrifices made by our military members.

May is Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month

May 10, 2022

As warmer weather makes an appearance, people are leaving the house and hitting the highways. With distracted driving on the rise, it’s never been more important to share the road with motorists and motorcyclists alike.

April is for Spring Cleaning

April 4, 2022

As the flowers start to bloom and the sun shines a little brighter, the pleasant spring winds bring with it the excitement of longer days and new beginnings! Together, these factors make spring the perfect time to air out our homes, clean out the grime that has built up over the winter and create a fresh, clean start.

Tornado Preparedness Season

April 4, 2022

Before the Spring flowers bloom, the April showers roll in. For some, that means tornadoes swirling in behind them. Though the forces of nature can’t be stopped, there are safety precautions in place to better prepare you for the unexpected.

March Is Dedicated To Flood Safety Awareness Month

March 1, 2022

Knowing your flood risks within your area will help you stay safe before, during and after nature strikes. Here are some tips that will help you stay safe and reassured ahead of flooding season.

March Is Women's History Month

March 1, 2022

As we enter women’s history month, we applaud and admire women who continue to break past the barriers of societal pressures and expectations. This month is a time of reflection as much as it is an opportunity to keep creating brighter futures for generations to come!

Winter Isn't Over Yet

February 1, 2022

With winter storm season in full swing, it's important to know how to keep yourself, your family, and your home safe. Here are some steps you can take to prepare yourself before the next storm hits.

February Is Dedicated To Heart Health

February 1, 2022

Taking care of yourself has never been more important. Optimal health starts and ends with matters of the heart. Did you know that heart disease is the leading cause of death among American women?

4 Tips to Help You Stick to your New Year Resolution

January 12, 2022

As we turn the page and head into 2022 - your New Year Resolution is at the forefront of your mind, right? Something about a fresh start gets those motivational juices flowing.

January is Teen Driving Awareness Month

January 12, 2022

It might be cold in December, but January is the month that winter really kicks in. Navigating icy roads results in the highest spike for car accidents in the month of January.

It Takes Extra Planning to Keep Your Pets Safe During the Holidays

November 30, 2021

During the holiday season, we tend to be more family-oriented and mindful of our loved ones. Are you also thinking about your lovable companions? Whether you’re going out of town or planning holiday parties at home, here are some tips on protecting your pets during the holidays.

5 Ways Your Insurance Protects You Around the Holidays

November 30, 2021

Nobody knows the importance of protection better than the veterans and service members who have served in our nation's military. This protection includes making sure that your home, auto, and business are in good hands and will be taken care of in the event of an emergency.

Gobble Up These 5 Thanksgiving Home Upgrades

October 28, 2021

With the holidays quickly approaching, it’s the perfect time to get a head start on that to-do list you’ve been writing in your head. Whether it’s preparing your home for the holiday company or handling some home maintenance before winter sneaks up on you, here are 5 Thanksgiving home upgrades that will compliment your holiday season.

Protecting Those Who Serve on Veterans Day - and Everyday

October 28, 2021

It is incredibly important that our current and past service members are honored, protected, and made to feel safe and appreciated. This is also true for the families of people serving in the military. Veterans Day is a perfect example of the country coming together to honor active and previous service members, and it certainly heartwarming to see.

2021 AFI MSOY Week Recap

September 30, 2021

Past and present winners of the Armed Forces Insurance Military Spouse of the Year® award, learned and laughed while building connections that they can take back with them to benefit their installations and communities.

The PCS Expenses You Can't Escape

July 22, 2021

It’s the PCS tax, and it’s the hidden expense that comes with military moves that no one talks about.

Stressed About Back to School? Control What You Can

July 22, 2021

Last year, the world was turned upside down, and as a result, many of us don’t know what to expect this academic year.

Tips For Hitting The Road or The Friendly Skies This Summer

June 28, 2021

If you’ve been stuck inside or haven’t traveled in a while, here’s some of the latest tips and advice for hitting the road or the friendly skies this summer!

Protect Your Military Family from These 4 Summer Party Mishaps

June 28, 2021

After a challenging year, many of us are looking to celebrate, and with Summer officially here, it’s the perfect time for eating, laughing, and letting go with friends, family, and neighbors on base.

Getting Prepared for Summer Storms

June 1, 2021

Because the languid days of summer bring many pleasures, it can be tempting to ignore the very real risk of summer storms to your home and property.

8 Date Ideas Just In Time for Summer

June 1, 2021

The days are longer and it’s the perfect season to explore your surroundings in gorgeous weather!

How to choose the right dog for your family.

May 5, 2021

Bringing a dog into the family is an exciting and challenging decision. However, it’s a decision that will bring joy, bonding, and many new stories.

For the Milspouse Who Thinks of Everything: AFI Flood and Fire Insurance

May 4, 2021

Milspouses are resilient! We don’t care what anyone says -- military spouses did NOT “know what they were getting into” when they married someone in the military. Instead, we receive zero training, no briefings, and only have a support network if we develop one ourselves. We learn from groups on social media, from friendly neighbors on base, and last but not least, from the school of hard knocks.

In Honor of Milspouse Appreciation Day: Military Spouses Throughout History

May 4, 2021

This Military Spouse Appreciation Month, we present to you some military spouses throughout history who broke the mold. Some stories are inspirational. Others might make you think, “Could be worse, I guess.

Getting Your Vehicle Ready for PCS Season

March 31, 2021

With all the things you need to keep track of when you’re getting ready to move, getting your car(s) ready can seem like “just one more thing.” But–just like no one has ever been sorry they washed their hands–if you take the time to adequately prepare your vehicles before a PCS, you’ll be glad you did.

The PCS Secret Weapon: Renter Insurance

March 31, 2021

Although I’d lived in apartments for years before becoming a military spouse, I had never once heard of renter insurance. None of my previous complexes required it, and it wasn’t until we were living on a military base that it came across my radar. Now, I wouldn’t dream of going without it! This is a quick story of how renter insurance saved my finances!

Spring Has Sprung: Protect Your Dream Car or Boat with AFI

March 1, 2021

March has arrived! Warmer, sunnier days are ahead, and our clocks will spring forward. After a long winter, what’s the first thing you envision? For many of us who have been cooped up inside, it’s enjoying fresh air, basking in the warmth of the sun, and feeling our worries and stress melt away.

Fun Facts About St. Patrick's Day

March 1, 2021

Maybe one of the most surprising things to visitors to the US is how excited everyone seems to get for St. Patrick’s Day. Why, they wonder, are Americans so eager to celebrate a religious holiday from another country? The history of St. Paddy’s Day in America is a fascinating one. So pour yourself a green beer (or a nice mug of Irish breakfast tea, depending on your preference), and let’s delve into the extraordinary history of the wearin’ o’ the green here in the US.

Preparing Your Home for Spring

February 1, 2021

Believe it or not, spring is coming. It comes every year, why should this one be any different? That can mean only one thing: if you’re a homeowner, it’s not too early to think about preparing your house for spring.

Protect Your Symbols of Love with Armed Forces Insurance

February 1, 2021

When you think of the valuable items in your home, what comes to mind? Is it the watch from your grandfather, the pearls from your mom, your wedding and engagement ring, or the glittering charm bracelet you received for Mother’s Day?

Happy New YOU Year!

January 4, 2021

Each and every day is special. On January 13th, the day centers around YOU! It is “Make Your Dreams Come True” Day. The year that time stopped has now passed, and it’s time to focus on the future. The future starts now, and it begins with you, your dreams, hopes, passions, and goals. Not sure where to start? Keep reading for a few simple tips on how to make your dreams come true.

Milspouses Meet Your New Year’s Goals with These Health and Wellness Tips

January 4, 2021

Self-care in the New Year: it’s not always something we associate with health and wellness.

Creating New Holiday Traditions for the Modern Military Family

December 1, 2020

Military families are accustomed to nontraditional holiday celebrations. A global pandemic plus social distancing, on top of living far from family, friends, and loved ones, makes this year even more of a year to remember. Here are a few ways to embrace the unconventional holidays you may face this year due to your current location, a possible deployment, and virus restrictions.

Tried and True Holiday Lessons From Military Families

December 1, 2020

Celebrating the holidays remotely. Boy, is it something military families understand. In early November, the country came to terms with the reality of spending every holiday from Thanksgiving onward apart from loved ones. Meanwhile, military families stood placidly, a wise smile on their faces, saying to our fellow Americans, “Welcome to our world."

A Fun Veterans Day History Lesson For Military Families

November 2, 2020

Like many holidays and national observances, Veterans Day has its own symbols and traditions. Knowing the history and significance of a couple of them will help make this holiday more meaningful for you and your family.

How to Be Happy and Thankful Despite a Different Type of Thanksgiving

November 2, 2020

This year, the holidays look different for everyone, and military families are no exception. So, how do we make the most of Thanksgiving by focusing on being happy and thankful despite the circumstances in which we find ourselves?

Fur Babies Are Part Of The Military Family Too: Here’s How To Protect Them

September 28, 2020

When we think of what makes our military family special, our pets are right up there! They have a way of making our homes complete, from one duty station to the next. They are with us through thick and thin, as our families grow, through numerous moves, and have gotten us through separations from our service members during training and deployments.

It Turns Out, Deployment Was Good Practice for 2020

September 28, 2020

If 2020 has taught us anything, it’s that you can never predict what life’s going to throw at you. Military spouses might have been a little less phased by this crazy year since they’re used to change, risk, and uncertainty.

Why Military Families Who Rent Should Have Renter Insurance

September 2, 2020

While your landlord or a property management company may be responsible for those things - big and little - that pop up when you live someplace, you need to protect your own possessions and property, as well.

5 Ways to Protect Your Milspouse-Owned Business from Murphy’s Law

September 2, 2020

It affects your best-laid plans, sneaks up on you when you least expect it, and most military spouses have already experienced this “anything that can go wrong, will” phenomenon.

Stress Free Ways To PCS With Pets

August 3, 2020

PCS season can be stressful, no matter where you’re moving. Those inevitable challenges always arise - and that’s just if we’re talking about humans! That’s right, military moves can be challenging for our furry friends, which is one reason AFI offers pet health insurance.

Change Your PCS and Travel Game with AFI’s Motorhome Insurance

August 3, 2020

Unusual times call for creative solutions, and we are thrilled to offer you one you may not have considered yet. It's the freedom and flexibility of a motorhome or travel trailer.

Turn Your PCS "Hurry Up and Wait" into a Staycation

July 6, 2020

There's a reason that "hurry up and wait," is such a commonly used phrase among military families. How do you get through it, especially when you're dealing with the stress of a PCS?

How To Have A Successful PCS During The Pandemic

July 6, 2020

This year is a little trickier than usual, however. As if upending your life for weeks-to-months at a time wasn’t stressful enough, now there’s the added peskiness of a pandemic and nationwide lockdown. Let’s unpack (ha!) some of this PCS season’s challenges, and corresponding potential strategies.

Fun, Safe Social Distancing Ideas for Summer

June 5, 2020

When it comes to a sense of community with those around you, nothing beats the real thing. However, the military and veteran community is pretty experienced when it comes to creative ways to show up for each other in difficult times. In that spirit, here are some ideas for fun social distancing during the summer months.

Stationed in the Path of a Hurricane? Check Out These Tips from Armed Forces Insurance.

June 5, 2020

Hurricanes bring many things, but panic doesn’t have to be one of them. You’ll want to prepare for high winds, debris, power loss, falling objects, flood, damages to your personal property, school cancelations, potential evacuation, and -- most importantly -- the safety and security of your family.