Your PCS peace of mind checklist: More than just boxes

Moving can be an overwhelming experience, especially for military families who often face the prospect of a Permanent Change of Station (PCS). While packing and organizing are crucial, there’s a whole other layer to moving that goes beyond just boxes and tape. Here’s your comprehensive PCS checklist to ensure you’re fully prepared, secure, and ready for a seamless transition.

1. Start early and organize documents

Begin your PCS preparations weeks, if not months, in advance. Gather important documents such as birth certificates, marriage licenses, medical records, and school records. Keep these documents in a secure, easily accessible place throughout the move.

2. Inventory your belongings

Create a detailed inventory of your possessions. This can be invaluable for both setting up your new home and in the event of any moving mishaps. Consider taking photos or video as part of your inventory process.

3. Notify important parties

Make a list of all the necessary notifications you’ll need to make – from your current and future housing offices to utility companies. Don’t forget to update your address with the post office, banks, and any other important institutions.

4. Plan your travel

Map out your travel plans. Whether you’re driving or flying, consider the logistics of your journey including pet accommodations, hotel stays, and meal planning.

5. Check your insurance coverages

This is where many families miss a crucial step. Review your renters or homeowners, auto, and personal property insurance policies. Are they sufficient for your upcoming move and new location? This is also the perfect time to consider any additional coverages you might need, such as flood insurance if moving to a flood-prone area.

6. Health care considerations

Make sure you know what your health care options are at your new location. This includes transferring prescriptions and securing new medical providers for you and your family.

7. School arrangements

If you have children, arrange for their school records to be transferred and start the enrollment process at their new school as soon as possible.

8. Finalize housing arrangements

Confirm your housing situation at your new location. Whether it’s government housing or the private market, make sure you have a place to call home when you arrive.

9. Pack smart

Label your boxes by room and content. Consider what you will need immediately upon arrival and pack those items separately. Remember, the goal is to make unpacking as stress-free as possible.

10. Say goodbyes

Don’t forget to say goodbye to friends and neighbors. Consider throwing a small going-away gathering or writing notes to stay in touch.

Moving is more than just physical labor; it's a transition for every aspect of your life. By covering all your bases, especially your insurance needs, you can ensure that this PCS is as smooth and worry-free as possible.

Remember, your peace of mind is paramount during this busy time. Reviewing and updating your insurance coverages should be a top priority. If you're looking for tailored insurance solutions that understand the unique needs of military families, visit We're here to ensure that you and your belongings are protected, so you can focus on settling into your new community and home.