Vimbo Watson

Branch: Navy

Duty Station: Washington Navy Yard

Number of Deployments: 5

Number of PCS's: 1

Share your military spouse story:
My military spouse story is one full of a lot of learning and giving myself a lot of compassion as I learned this new way of life! Though I didn't know what to expect when my husband and I got married, I can honestly say now looking back, the years that we've been together in this adventure have yielded some of the most fulfilling of my life. We have made friendships that will truly last a lifetime! When we got married, and I decided to move across the country from Florida to Washington where my husband was stationed, I had already had almost a decade-long career as an educator, and was working as a school principal. I was worried that I may not fit in, but even without us living on base at that first assignment of our marriage, our Family Readiness Group leaders did an amazing job of including me, bringing me in the loop, and making sure all of us felt cared for while our spouses were underway. When we made our first cross-country move as a family from Washington State to Washington DC, I was once again uncertain of what would lie ahead. I can say that once again, I have been overwhelmed with the strength and power of community that I have found in our military family world. In the nation's capital, all of the branches of the military have some presence, and it is incredible to connect with all of the many spouses who can relate to this slightly different life that we have all become part of! I can truly say that I am grateful and proud to call myself a Navy spouse, and to be part of such a welcoming community!

Share an example of your leadership experience within the military community:
Before becoming a military spouse, leadership was already running through my veins! I have previously served as a school principal, and I have continually desired to support children and families through education. Joining the military community as a spouse has afforded me many opportunities to continue that. Whether it is tutoring fellow spouses' children, reading to children at family events on the base we live on, or planning fun events like "Galentines" or other self-care events for spouses to get time away from home to be recharged, I have thoroughly enjoyed bringing other spouses together to connect. And although I am a proud Navy spouse, I also currently serve on the executive board of the Army Spouse Club of the Greater Washington Area! This has been such an amazing experience. Planning various events for the club members with my fellow board members has reminded me that no matter how we serve our country, it all makes a difference, regardless of the branch!

Describe your involvement in the military community:
I have jumped into life as part of the military community. I have been part of our Coffee Connect meet-ups on base, a great way to meet fellow spouses! I currently serve on the Army Spouse Club of the Greater Washington Area board as the Parliamentarian, and it has been such a fulfilling experience helping plan and facilitate monthly luncheons and other events for our members. Though I am a Navy spouse, I do not let branch identity limit who I connect with! I am a member of our local Air Force, Coast Guard, and Army Spouse Club (on the board), and I enjoy attending meetings and events that are coordinated by these clubs, from book clubs to holiday toy drives. My favorite way to be involved is to give back. As an educator, it brings me joy to read books aloud to children at events, which connects to my background in the classroom and school systems.

Describe how you support your community:
In my current line of work, I speak and plan events, primarily to support educators through professional development. As a military spouse, from day to day provide both formal and informal support to parents, families, and educators, as they face the unique challenges of supporting their children's education while being military families. I've provided support and advice about everything from how to get support for a child who has a specialized learning plan/IEP when a family has to move mid-year due to a PCS or helped a family who is homeschooling find free resources to enrich the curriculum they are using. Additionally, I truly enjoy hosting and facilitating events that support personal wellness for military spouses. In the work I do with my professional development presentations for educators, I provide practical steps for how to recover from burnout, and in my day-to-day life as a military spouse, I share those same times with my local community.

What do you advocate for? Why?
As a person, I advocate for educational equity and equal access for children. I also am very passionate about everyday wellness and true self-care. I believe that every child, and especially our military children, deserves access to a quality education. The constant mobility of a typical military family can pose a challenge to this, and that's why I work to share the information that I have with those around me as much as I can.

How have you spread the message of your platform/advocacy?
One key way that I spread my message is through technology. I've been featured on several podcasts, such as "Grace of a Military Child and Life", "Glocal Citizens", and "The Veterans Radio Show", sharing about my experience as a military spouse. I share through my website, online blog, and Instagram, resources to help others in their self-care journey as well. As much as technology is a great way to share the information I have gathered with those in my network, I have often found that in-person events and gatherings can be powerful in creating a strong, supportive community. I believe in the power of community, and as much as I can, I do my best to bring military spouses together to uplift one another and to intentionally equip them with tools to manage their stress.

What do you hope to accomplish with the AFI Military Spouse of the Year® title?
I would hope to continue sharing hope, positivity, and a connection to resources and tips that would help improve their everyday life through personal wellness. I also hope to be a resource for military families who need help supporting their children's academic journeys. Every single military child deserves access to resources that will help them learn and grow, and it is my goal to help share the knowledge I have as an educator to make that more within reach for more military families!