Megan Dross

Branch: Coast Guard

Duty Station: USCG Headquarters

Number of Deployments: 6

Number of PCS's: 5

Share your military spouse story:
Like many, my journey to becoming a military spouse was unexpected. My husband and I met and fell in love. I was working at a college, and he was pursuing his master’s degree. I knew from the start he had a passion to serve in the military but never could have predicted the ways in which our lives would change with that calling. January 2013, my husband got a call to report to Coast Guard OCS immediately. With 24 hours’ notice, our military journey had officially begun! From that first moment to now, 12 years later, being a military family has been a challenge; but, even more than that, it has been an incredible blessing. With our two amazing children, we have had the chance to live all over the U.S., building an invaluable community of support along the way. The friendships we have made, the communities we are blessed to be a part of, and the memories gathered in each place have helped shape who I am. Personally, my passion is education – helping others reach their dreams of higher education. During my time as a military spouse, I’ve had the privilege to connect with thousands of students as a mentor, advisor, and teacher. Hearing their stories and what their future career means to them has had an immense impact on my life. Knowing that I get to be a tiny part of that journey is an honor I will never take for granted. To help better support those I work with, I’ve achieved both a Master’s degree in Higher Education & Student Affairs and a Doctorate in Educational Leadership & Policy, all while being a military spouse and mother. In addition to my professional career, I’ve worked with community organizations and become involved in local school communities. I’ve seen the impact that access to education can have on someone’s life. I’ve seen it in the students I serve, in the stories of my colleagues, witnessed it in my own children, and studied it in my research. Being a small part of that significant impact is what motivates me each and every day.

Share an example of your leadership experience within the military community:
As someone who has been supported by so many people throughout my life, I try to give back to the community in any way I can. Currently, I serve on the board of the local Coast Guard Spouses club and on the committee for the Joint Armed Forces of Washington Luncheon (JAFOWL). Through both of these opportunities, I’ve had the chance to engage with spouses from all branches of service. Focused on building community, giving back to our military connected families, and advocating for support, these leadership roles have provided me with a larger platform to share my experience while also introducing me to incredible mentors. Additionally, I currently serve on two advisory committees for the Fairfax County Schools Superintendent focused on advocating for our military children. Being a representative on these advisory boards has allowed me to use my passion for and background in education to advocate for our military children and families.

Describe your involvement in the military community:
In addition to my current work supporting military spouses, I’ve had the opportunity to support our military communities in several ways. While stationed in Elizabeth City, NC, I served on the local Chamber of Commerce Military Affairs Committee. During our time there, the Coast Guard also experienced a partial government shutdown, resulting in an overwhelming need for our community. I volunteered with other local spouses, providing food and supplies to families. Additionally, I’ve served as a scholarship reviewer for the National Military Family Association. This was especially meaningful for me, as I received one of their scholarships while pursuing my masters’ degree. I’ve also had the opportunity to volunteer with CGMA, our local Fisher House, and Operation Home Front. My work in higher education has allowed me to provide guidance to schools with which I’ve been employed on how they can better support veterans and military dependents enrolling in their various programs.

Describe how you support your community:
I truly believe that while we may not live in any area for long, it’s important for us to become involved and make a lasting impact on those we encounter. I have been fortunate to meet incredible military spouses who have provided me with mentorship throughout my journey and have had the opportunity to do the same for others. Through my passion for education and the platforms I’ve been given in my career, I’ve been able to advocate for increased support and understanding of the military spouse experience. Additionally, with the communities we live in having strong military populations, I’ve been able to use my service on school advisory committees, through a school board parent champion program in Jacksonville, FL, and as a current alumni mentor at FSU to ensure that future military families feel supported in these spaces. I’ve also been able to volunteer in the local community as a team mom for baseball, cheerleading coach, and classroom parent at several elementary schools.

What do you advocate for? Why?
As military spouses, with each move comes a need to redefine who we are and what we want to become within that community. For many, like myself, this includes adding credentials to a resume such as additional degrees or certifications, to better market ourselves for future job opportunities. For me specifically, this is a large part of what led to me obtaining my master’s and doctorate degrees. As I’ve talked to spouses over the years about their experiences, navigating their education journey is often met with challenges – having to transfer schools, finding ways to pay for their classes, or identifying the best way to represent their professional and personal experiences on their resume. Education truly can be life changing, but for military spouses this also comes with additional obstacles that can be tough to navigate. I am passionate about helping to share the message of these challenges, while also using my professional roles to advocate transparency and progress in these areas.

How have you spread the message of your platform/advocacy?
I’ve had the opportunity to share more about my passions and experience through speaking engagements, community involvement, and personal outreach. Serving on many different committees, I’ve been able to ensure that leadership in each of those spaces has a better understanding of the needs of their military connected members, especially the spouses. Additionally, I had the opportunity to speak at a donor dinner for the National Military Family Association on the impact scholarship support can have on a military spouse. So often we meet others in our work and lives who are unaware of the unique experiences that come with being a military connected family. Whether in a formal setting, a work meeting, or talking with friends, each of these opportunities becomes a chance to share more about what it means to be a military spouse and how they, too, can help make a difference.

What do you hope to accomplish with the AFI Military Spouse of the Year® title?
Education can have such a powerful impact on an individual, but accessing and affording that education can be difficult. Through my own personal experiences, as well as my professional career, I’ve seen the incredible opportunities available to military spouses, but so many go unknown and unused. I would use this platform to share more about how we as a community can support each other through education, such as bridging gaps between scholarship programs, career readiness initiatives, and helping advocate for military spouses across education platforms. We are constantly moving, which means a continuous need to find the right employment and education services to fit our unique needs. This can be daunting which oftentimes leads to unfinished degrees or the feeling of burnout. As the AFI Military Spouse of the Year, I would leverage my ability to help others navigate these challenges and support others as they work to successfully complete their educational journey.