Jessica Ruyts

Branch: Army

Duty Station: Letterkenny Army Depot

Number of Deployments: 1

Number of PCS's: 3

Share your military spouse story:
My story of becoming a military spouse goes back to 2011 -- a time when we were both part of the active duty, forming a dual military family. The dynamics shifted in 2015 after ETS, transitioning us back to a setup where my spouse was in the military, and I took on the role of a full-time stay-at-home mom, pursuing my degree in Tax Law/Criminal Law. Our military journey has been an adventure, leading us to various bases, states, and travels across the country. Amidst the transient lifestyle, we've been blessed with 6 wonderful children and recently embraced the joy of grandparenthood with our first grandson. From Fort Stewart GA to Fort A.P. Hill VA and now settling in the scenic Keystone State of PA at LetterKenny Army Depot, each place has molded our military experience uniquely. Serving as an FRG leader at places like Fort A.P. Hill for the 310th Engineering unit has allowed me to support fellow soldiers and their families. Currently, at LetterKenny Army Depot, I am dedicated to initiating an FRG group to extend that support network to our military community here.

Share an example of your leadership experience within the military community:
As the former president of the Family Readiness Group (FRG) and the founder and president of the Ruyts Foundation of Veteran Suicide Prevention, I have extensive leadership experience within the military community. The Ruyts Foundation provides comprehensive support services to veterans, soldiers, and their families, including mental health counseling, homelessness prevention, food security assistance, and other critical resources to honor those who have served and protected our nation's freedoms.

Describe your involvement in the military community:
I have a heavy involvement in the military community both supportive in being a helping I extend a helping hand to those in need, offering support and encouragement to those facing challenges or going through tough times. I am especially committed to assisting individuals in mental health crises, guiding them out of the darkness that threatens to overwhelm them. My dedication to the military community runs deep, as I believe that our heroes and their families deserve unwavering support in every situation. Whether in times of joy or hardship, I strive to be a constant presence, providing assistance and understanding. In recognition of my efforts, I was honored to receive the Best Humanitarian award in 2024, an achievement that reflects my commitment to making a positive impact in the community.

Describe how you support your community:
I am deeply involved in supporting the military community. This includes participating in the Family Readiness Group (FRG) on the local military base, as well as working with the Ruyts Foundation for Veteran Suicide Prevention and partnering with other nonprofit organizations that serve military members and their families. Additionally, I am an active member of my community's chamber of commerce, the military chamber, and various other groups that provide aid and resources to military communities.

What do you advocate for? Why?
Bringing greater awareness to the critical issue of suicide prevention among veterans, active-duty military, and their families. This cause is deeply personal to me, I have lost far too many cherished friends and brothers/sisters-in-arms to this devastating epidemic of suicide that plagues our military community. The painful reality is that for every soldier we lose on the battlefield, we lose many more to the war being waged within - a war against hopelessness, trauma, and despair. This is an unseen battle that claims precious lives every single day, yet remains shrouded in stigma and silence. That is why I have made it my life's mission to shine a bright light on this issue, to shatter the shame and secrecy surrounding military suicide, and every military family has access to the support, treatment, and resources they need to heal, recover, and go on to lead healthy, fulfilling lives.

How have you spread the message of your platform/advocacy?
Social media has been my primary channel for spreading awareness about my platform and advocacy work. I leverage popular platforms like TikTok, Facebook, and Instagram, to share educational content, personal stories, calls to action, and updates about the cause. These digital channels allow me to reach a broad audience and foster an engaged online community. I also organize and host in-person events that bring together members of the community who are passionate about this issue. I have developed strategic partnerships with well-established organizations in the veteran and military space, such as the VA, VDVS, and others. By collaborating with these partners, I'm able to expand the reach of my message, tap into their existing networks and resources, and build credibility. It's a multi-pronged approach that combines the power of social media, grassroots community engagement, and alignment with key stakeholder groups to maximize the impact of the advocacy efforts.

What do you hope to accomplish with the AFI Military Spouse of the Year® title?
My primary goal is to leverage this influential platform to shed much-needed light on the critical issue of mental health stigma that continues to plague our military and veteran communities. By fearlessly confronting this pervasive problem head-on and sparking open, honest dialogues, I hope to chip away at the shame and silence that too often surround mental health struggles. I will champion and promote evidence-based prevention strategies and connect servicemembers, veterans, and their families with life-saving mental health resources. By taking a proactive, compassionate approach and building a supportive community, together we can wage a winning battle in the war on the homefront - a war against despair, isolation, and tragedy. Ultimately, I hope to help foster a profound cultural shift in how we address mental health, paving the way for a future in which seeking help is universally viewed as a courageous sign of strength.