Jacky Moore

Branch: Army

Duty Station: Fort Meade

Number of Deployments: 22

Number of PCS's: 14

Share your military spouse story:
I met my husband in 6th grade. He has always been my person/best friend.We had our first child when I was 15 and he was 16. He joined the Army after graduating high school at the age of 19. We married when he completed AIT, he was 20 and I was 19. Upon arriving at our first duty station I was introduced to the SFRG, there I completed the boot camp for spouses classes. I became pregnant with our 2nd child at 21, just prior to me husband PCSing to Korea. He returned from Korea a week prior to me giving birth. 911 happened a few weeks later and the deployments began after we PCSed. At this time I became the SFRG leader for my husbands company. I also went back to school during his first deployment to pursue my nursing degree. I completed school in 2007 and began my career. We have PCSed 14 time thus far. I get involved and have volunteered at every duty station, mentoring other spouses along the way. I strive to serve among the silent ranks. I have worked full time since graduating college and continue to donate my spare time to support the community that we are immersed in accumulating thousands of volunteer hours to give back to these amazing communities that have provided my family so many great opportunities.

Share an example of your leadership experience within the military community:
Serving as SFRG leader at multiple duty stations has been a way to support the families of those who were deployed, serving remotely, or requiring additional resources/knowledge. Mentoring has been a passion of mine and supporting those who serve truly energizes me to continue to give back and share my 27 years of Army spousal experience. Being able to help other families along with single soldiers is an important role I proudly embrace. Ensuring available resources are known and utilized to the best of my ability. Through my nursing career with DOD and VA I strive to provide excellent care, services and resources to those in need. I currently am serving as the chairwoman for the social committee at KACC to ensure the morale of our soldiers and civilians is a top priority on this institution which enables the community to have continuous connections allowing transitioning personnel to feel accepted and welcomed.

Describe your involvement in the military community:
I have been and continue to support my soldier for the past 27 years. Organizing numerous events at every duty station to ensure morale is top notch in our military community. Hosting bbqs and dinners for families who are separated striving to make all feel welcome and supported. Keeping in touch with soldiers and families after a PCS for any help I can provide even if it’s just lending an ear to listen. Being able to help provide information about all the wonderful resource’s available to those who serve or have served and their families of our great nation is extremely important.

Describe how you support your community:
Participating in post wide activities that are hosted by a pleather of organizations who help support military personnel is my way of staying involved with the local community. The USO, Blue star families, blue star mothers, and Corvious housing are just a few of the organizations I participate with. Working full time on post as a nurse allows me to support the medical needs of this community as well. Helping to ensure all personnel are informed with the necessary information to utilize resources available.

What do you advocate for? Why?
I advocate for inclusion of all. I feel it is important that those who serve our nation should always feel included and important. Mental health suffers when people feel alone and or unwanted which can hinder the military mission. While our service members need to be mission focused I feel the need to help support those who support the service member wether it be spouses or other family members.

How have you spread the message of your platform/advocacy?
I spread my message by action and leading by example. Working on post and participating in post wide community events allows me to interact with other families and military personnel. Speaking to people any chance I get is my way of identifying current needs and where I can be of service. I follow post social media and see what others are needing through the things posted. When and if I am able I help in whatever way I am able. I also follow the social media of the organizations around base to ensure I can be present at events. I thrive to be mindful of my surroundings and the needs of others.

What do you hope to accomplish with the AFI Military Spouse of the Year® title?
I hope to continue to support all who serve, have served or support those who do on a wider bases. Being able to meet other amazing spouses will help to grow my knowledge. Learning new ways to help continue to serve the communities we are immersed in.