Breanna Ricciotti Hebding

Branch: Navy

Duty Station: Naval Base Guam

Number of Deployments: 0

Number of PCS's: 1

Share your military spouse story:
My husband and I met in college 14 years ago. We've been married for 10. Together we have a 6 year old son and 3 dogs. Before our current duty station I was a sign language interpreter, kickball captain and volunteer at my son's preschool. My husband joined the reserves in 2019. After deciding to become active in 2022 we moved to Guam for our first duty station. Once we arrived I was told about the Andersen AFB Airman's Attic. I love thrifting and since we were new to Island looking for a few things to hold us over I went to the store. It was so welcoming and amazing that when I saw they were in search of volunteers I jumped at the opportunity to join in January '23. By April '23 my manager asked me to become co-manager. Then this April '24 I became manager. It's been so rewarding to help the military community through the airman's Attic as well as our Guam community. Besides that I was on the Elementary PTO board, I coach most CYP sports and assist with our church. Although, my spouse story is not long in my time so far I have tried my best to give back to our military community in any way possible.

Share an example of your leadership experience within the military community:
As the manager of the Airman's Attic I use my leadership skills weekly in order to get our store running smoothly. As well, when I am coaching CYP sports I use my leadership skills to teach 5-6 year olds teamwork and how to play the sport.

Describe your involvement in the military community:
As mentioned before, I have become very involved within the military community, especially here on Guam where we are a smaller community that knows each other. Managing the airman's attic has helped me to meet a lot of our community on Andersen and facilitate in any way possible.

Describe how you support your community:
The Airman's attic definitely is a large support for our community, especially on an island where it can be difficult to find items. I also assist with the Team Andersen spouses club which helps Branch out to more of our community, especially spouses who can feel isolated at times in such a small remote place.

What do you advocate for? Why?
I advocate for the Airman's attic which can be a program that is ignored. I am very fortunate that my previous manager, Lacey Fitte, turned the Anderson attic into such an amazing program. A lot of people benefit from our program monthly with us serving well over 500 people/families per month. I am always trying to make this program better and working my hardest to make sure that it is something that will thrive even after we leave this summer.

How have you spread the message of your platform/advocacy?
Specifically, the airman's attic does have a Facebook page that I do post on weekly and share those posts within other Facebook pages to spread the word about our program. Also, I do try to make sure that as many people know about our program in order to tell others within their squadrons, especially incoming airmen who can use our program. And more recently reassuring that the family readiness center as well as the loan locker has flyers in order to promote our facility to those who are going through their orientation brief.

What do you hope to accomplish with the AFI Military Spouse of the Year® title?
As AFI military spouse of the year I hope to encourage more spouses to become involved in the base they are stationed at. If I had never decided to start volunteering at the airman's attic, my time on Guam would have been completely different. I've made so many friends and connections with people on base that anywhere I go I am always seeing a friendly face which makes me feel welcomed and as if I am at home, even being stationed on the other side of the world. Although, I am new to the military lifestyle it has been so rewarding to give so much and see the impact that giving can have.