Shanna Cheatham

Branch: Army

Duty Station: Fort Leavenworth

Number of Deployments: 5

Number of PCS's: 7

Share your military spouse story:
I grew up an Army brat and loved it so much. However, I swore I would never marry someone in the military. Obviously, life had other plans for me! Living the military lifestyle as an adult and spouse has been the greatest learning experience. I have gained a new appreciation for my mom and what her life was like as I was growing up. That made me see how important it is to support spouses of all ranks. I aim to be kind, caring, and supportive to everyone I come across.

Share an example of your leadership experience within the military community:
I have tried to be involved in as much as possible when my life has allowed it. I have volunteered in multiple roles in SFRGs, including key caller, SFRG Leader for different companies, and Senior Advisor on a battalion level. Any role I take on is also balanced with homeschooling one of my children. I don't feel like volunteering takes time away from him and his education. It shows him how to show up for your community.

Describe your involvement in the military community:
My husband was a captain and was deploying in four days when we got married. I jumped in to do as much as I could with the unit and to learn as much as I could about living life as an Army spouse from fellow spouses and mentors. Since then, I have been involved in his units' SFRGs or volunteered with other organizations everywhere we have been stationed. I took a brief break from any volunteering while going through some medical issues with our youngest son. I feel very strongly about trying to support military spouses in any way possible.

Describe how you support your community:
I currently volunteer at the Ft. Leavenworth Stray Facility with many volunteers from young enlisted soldiers and spouses to retired officer spouses. Caring for the animals and getting to know the other volunteers that I would possibly never meet otherwise has been incredibly rewarding. I am on the board for the Ft. Leavenworth Spouses Club. While being a part of the Spouses Club is a lot of fun, the volunteer opportunities with organizations outside of the club has been my favorite part. Supporting our community and the inclusiveness of all spouses at Ft. Leavenworth is what makes me want to be a part of the club. I am also a mayor for my village on Ft. Leavenworth. Being able to provide information and help families (especially the younger families in my neighborhood) know what resources are out there is so important to me.

What do you advocate for? Why?
I advocate for supporting and empowering all military spouses. Our life is not easy, but with all of the resources and information out there, it can be rewarding and fun.

How have you spread the message of your platform/advocacy?
I try to share with as many spouses as I can personally. Social media has not been a big part of my life, so in person is more my speed.

What do you hope to accomplish with the AFI Military Spouse of the Year® title?
I hope to continue giving trying to help empower military spouses. This may be with information and resources they may not know about or simply being there to listen or help if they need someone.


Shanna is the perfect example of what a MSOY should be. She is kind to everyone, generous with her volunteer time, uplifting and encouraging to everyone in her life, and always there with a helping hand. Shanna currently volunteers with the Fort Leavenworth Spouses' Club and Fort Leavenworth Stray Facility. Shanna is also a Co-Mayor for her post neighborhood. She does all of these things while homeschooling her children, and being a supportive spouse and friend. In her 18+ years as a military spouse, she set the best example for her fellow military spouses by being a leader, a team player, a volunteer, and a friend. I consider myself lucky to call her a dear friend and neighbor and to have the opportunity to volunteer along side her.
- by Casey Black