Marie Burleson

Branch: National Guard

Duty Station: Texas

Number of Deployments: 4

Number of PCS's: 0

Share your military spouse story:
I have been a military spouse for 20 years now. Together we have been through 4 major deployments and 3 stateside activations. Through this time we have managed to pay off all our debt, buy 3 homes and land, work full time civilian jobs, lead, have a family and be active in the SFRG. We both have been able to accomplish our educational goals with each others help. Being married into the military has thought me to be resilient in all aspects of life from home to work to family and beyond. Together we have faced all these things and it has only made us stronger as a family and as individuals.

Share an example of your leadership experience within the military community:
I currently serve as the SFRG Leader for my husband’s company. They have many you g soldiers that have never deployed before so I work closely with their families to ensure a strong line of communication and help make the transition during a deployment as smooth possible.

Describe your involvement in the military community:
In past years I have served as the SFRG Secretary and helped organize family days and dining out weekends for soldiers and their spouses or significant others.

Describe how you support your community:
There are not a lot of community support groups where we currently live.

What do you advocate for? Why?
I advocate to not forget the men and women that are deployed. I strongly feel that our society has forgotten how important is to support our men and women all the time and not just when a tragedy happens.

How have you spread the message of your platform/advocacy?
I wear RED on Fridays, speak publicly about my pride for the military, and remind my children to do the same.

What do you hope to accomplish with the AFI Military Spouse of the Year® title?
Bringing knowledge to my local community. There seems to not be a lot of support even though we are a small town.


Marie Burleson is one of the selfless people I have met. While her husband is deployed to Egypt, she is raising their 2 boys, while being a SPED teacher. She puts everyone else before her, to ensure everything is ok, while not stopping to breath and have time for herself. She is an amazing mother, sister, wife and friend that I am in aww that she is always moving forward.
- by Michelle Kristoff