Jessica Flynn

Branch: Army

Duty Station: Fort Johnson

Number of Deployments: 2

Number of PCS's: 4

Share your military spouse story:
My name is Jessica Flynn, and I am an Army spouse, a mother, a student, and a community leader. I was born and raised in a small-town Louisiana. My family lived their lives in a 40-mile radius, and we knew little of the world around us. I have been blessed to have the opportunities provided by the military and have seen much of this country. I have fallen in love with National Parks because of this. My husband, children, and I have already visited eight national parks and cannot wait to visit more. I am the proud mother of two young boys, Cohen is five and Cole just turned four. They are healthy and energetic boys that keep me busy. Three years ago, I decided to go back and finish college to set the right example for my children. I am currently pursuing a degree in Behavioral Science. I was recently accepted into Phi Theta Kapa honor's society based on my academic performance. I am a woman who values honesty, loyalty, and devotion to family. I am also a big believer in the community and try to get involved, regardless of our station. I am a firm believer in the campground rule. Leave it better than you found it. I cannot say enough good about Fort Johnson. Unfortunately, it is that time again when the military deems it fit for us to move. My husband has been accepted to the Walla Walla Corps of Engineers District and we will be on the move this summer. I am very happy that my husband has earned a dream job, but I will miss being a part of a military community. I hope to take everything that I have learned from some great Army spouses and try to apply them to Walla Walla, WA.

Share an example of your leadership experience within the military community:
I took a chance when we were re-assigned to Fort Johnson and joined the Spouse's Club. I was a bit hesitant at first based on negative stigmas, but I quickly learned the club was more driven by community than gossip. I took on my first leadership role by becoming president of the book club. My focus was to grow the club and find people who were looking for a sense of community with an artistic outlet. I continued to immerse myself in the club, volunteering to work MWR events, working with Operation Deploy Your Dress, earning a place on the club board, and soliciting donations on behalf of the club's fundraiser. I grew more confident within the club and decided to run for club leadership. I was elected as the Vice President and took on the demanding challenge of restoring the club to acceptable standards. As a leader, I aim to do what is best for my community and try to help those in any way that I can.

Describe your involvement in the military community:
My involvement in my community includes being an active leader in the Spouse's Club, volunteering for Operation Deploy Your Dress, being a proactive member of my husband's battalion FRG, and general volunteer work. I believe my most impactful contribution was during the streak of wildfires that devastated central Louisiana. Unable to do much, I dedicated myself to helping the brave men and women who were working tirelessly to contain and extinguish the home-threatening flames. I worked diligently over the course of several days soliciting donations for hydration drinks and other relief items. I made it as easy as possible by even shopping for some individuals who only wished to donate money. I collected and purchased over 300 bottles of water, 120 Gatorades, and various hydration drink pouches.

Describe how you support your community:
I support my community by warmly greeting new families. I know how difficult a new installation can be on a family and I try to help in any way I can. This includes providing opportunities to volunteer, informing them of events on and off the installation, or even something as simple as cards night. I am a volunteer for Operation Deploy Your Dress and have assisted women in receiving a free dress for events such as military balls, weddings, and homecomings. I also served as the sub club president for the Book Club for over two years. It was a great opportunity to get spouses together to discuss the novel of the month. I believe that the act of reading a paperback or hardcover novel is a dying trend. I am passionate about reading and hope that the club inspires others in their love of reading.

What do you advocate for? Why?
I advocate for community and family here at Fort Johnson. I only heard horror stories when my husband was informed that we were being reassigned to Fort Johnson, Louisiana. So many of our friends in Missouri were quick to dismiss it as a less than desirable duty assignment. As a Louisiana native, I sought to change that perception as much as one person could. I am active at events and on social media to 'lessen the blow' of inbound spouses and let them know that they are coming to a small but intimate community with an installation that is always providing an event or opportunity to get out of the house. I hope that my actions have a rippling effect even after I have left Louisiana and the community continues to strengthen.

How have you spread the message of your platform/advocacy?
I am an administrator for the Fort Johnson Spouse's Club Facebook page. We use that platform to spread information on upcoming events and advocate for new memberships. I believe social media and word of mouth are the best ways to maximize involvement. I also attend as many events as I can, as an agent of the club. Military installations constantly gain and lose people. We have found that many new spouses have arrived and are looking for an outlet to make friends and get involved in the community. We try to provide them with assistance, friendship, and volunteer opportunities.

What do you hope to accomplish with the AFI Military Spouse of the Year® title?
I believe my accomplishments pale in comparison to the other spouses in our community and candidates, but I am truly honored to be considered. I also could not have accomplished any of this on my own. If I earn this title, I plan to use it to support the Fort Johnson Spouses Club and central Louisiana community. I hope that it brings my organization instant credibility and improves the perception of spouse’s clubs throughout the Armed Forces. That will lead to the club's membership growing and provide greater opportunity to improve the community through volunteering and contributing to sponsorship programs.


Jessica “Jessie” Flynn is the current first vice president of the Fort Johnson (formerly Fort Polk) Spouses and Community Club. She has logged over 160 hours of volunteer time in order to better her community. During the wildfires she gathered supplies and took them to first responders, she is constantly networking to help others make connections, and she is always there for anyone in need of childcare, a meal, or a hug. These are just a few examples of the impact she has made on her community. She makes a lasting impact on every person she encounters.
- by Katelyn DeSplinter