Jennifer McMillen

Branch: Army

Duty Station: Fort Gregg-Adams

Number of Deployments: 3

Number of PCS's: 6

Share your military spouse story:
Hi! I am Jennifer McMillen, an Army spouse of 14 years, a dedicated mother, & a passionate advocate for military families. My journey began unexpectedly, as I met my husband on a military website back in 2009. This unique connection, rooted in our shared military backgrounds – me as a Navy veteran & him as an Army serviceman – laid the foundation for a lifetime of adventure and challenges. As a young single mother to my son, our relationship blossomed, leading to our marriage in the summer of 2009. Together, we've navigated 6 PCS, from various corners of the United States & overseas to Germany. Each move brought its own set of trials & triumphs, but through it all, our bond has only grown stronger. I dove into volunteer work, joining local Spouse Clubs & actively participating in FRGs associated with his units. From organizing charity events to lending a helping hand to fellow spouses, I found fulfillment in making a difference in the lives of those around me.

Share an example of your leadership experience within the military community:
Alongside the personal challenges of military life, I noticed a lack of support for Warrant Officer spouses. Drawing from my own experiences & discussions, Rose Richardson & I co-founded the Warrant Officer Spouse Support Network. While attempts to establish an auxiliary in Germany didn't pan out, I remained dedicated to supporting military families, engaging with various spouse groups and community events. We have created a Facebook page to post national news of Warrant Officer Spouses and a group for spouses to voice anything they are going through.

Describe your involvement in the military community:
Between serving my country in the Navy, continuing my service by being a fellow for The Mission Continues, working in military advertising at JBLM and being a fellow and now employee of T-Mobile, I have had a lifetime of involvement within the military community.

Describe how you support your community:
Although I am not directly involved in my currently local community, I am supporting the military community on a national scale by being a recruiter with T-Mobile. In 2022, after struggling to find employment, I attended the Military Spouse Employment event in DC, where I met Laura Torres of Blue Star Families who connected me with to Lacey Craig at T-Mobile, which was successful, as I became T-Mobile's 1st Hiring Our Heroes Military Spouse fellow. As a person Eager to pay it forward, I advocated for the program's sustainability & expanded opportunities for military spouses within T-Mobile. I'm committed to continuing my advocacy, forging connections, & bridging the gap for military spouses & veterans nationwide, ensuring they have access to meaningful employment opportunities & support networks.

What do you advocate for? Why?
As a passionate advocate for veterans and military spouses, I believe in our limitless potential. We're capable of making a difference and paving the way in any endeavor. I take pride in assisting spouses in finding employment and navigating career choices amidst our unique lifestyle. Companies like T-Mobile stand out for their remote work policy, providing stability amid frequent relocations. This support is invaluable, sparing spouses the constant search for new employment opportunities.

How have you spread the message of your platform/advocacy?
I spread my message via LinkedIn, Facebook groups and military spouse/veteran hiring events.

What do you hope to accomplish with the AFI Military Spouse of the Year® title?
I'm deeply passionate about fostering opportunities for military spouses and veterans, bridging the gap between employment and unemployment through meaningful connections. It's not just about what you know, but who you know and who knows you. With my extensive network and constant engagement with new contacts, I'm dedicated to creating vital connections for others, ensuring everyone has access to valuable opportunities.


Jennifer McMillen was the first Military Spouse at T-Mobile under our partnership with Hiring Our Heroes. Since she has joined the team in December 2022, she has contributed to more than 15 Military Spouse Hiring Events where she has met with candidates to help them navigate their career path, as well as helped recruit and onboard an additional 10 Military Spouses into the Fellowship program because of her advocacy within T-Mobile with business leaders on supporting the program. Jennifer has also been instrumental in learnings and program initiation with the Military Spouse hiring within T-Mobile. Outside of work, Jennifer is also a Navy Veteran, mother of three and continues to support her spouse in his service as well as constantly advocating for other Military Spouses for employment opportunities. Jennifer has led workshops on Military Spouse networking best practices and has been a mentor for Military Spouses when they onboard with T-Mobile. She is well deserving of MSOY.
- by Lacey Craig

Jen McMillen is an exceptional military spouse whose unwavering support, resilience, and dedication make them an outstanding candidate for the Military Spouse of the Year Award. Their commitment to service, both in the military community and beyond, exemplifies the qualities that define an exemplary military spouse. Community Involvement: Jen McMillen has actively engaged in various community initiatives, demonstrating a strong commitment to supporting fellow military families. Whether organizing events, volunteering at local organizations, or providing a helping hand to those in need, their impact extends beyond the military base. Advocacy and Support: Jen McMillen has been a tireless advocate for military families, working to improve the quality of life for service members and their loved ones. They have been instrumental in raising awareness about the unique challenges faced by military spouses and advocating for policies that address their needs.
- by Josh MacDonald