Brooke Childers

Branch: National Guard

Duty Station: Georgia

Number of Deployments: 2

Number of PCS's: 0

Share your military spouse story:
I knew better and fell in love with a soldier... Growing up in a military family, I knew the sacrifice and the pride of service. When I met my husband during our sophomore year in college, he immediately said that we would end up together forever, I said that it would never last because his goal was to serve in the US Army and I wanted no part of that. Please don't remind him, but he was right! A decade later, life guided us into each other's path again and I became a soldier's wife a few months later. I am incredibly proud of my husband, his dedication and service. I am proud to be his support system and our children are strong and resilient. He is often gone with training, certifications, mobilizations, drills, and deployments. "He's just Guard". That simple phrase makes me laugh every time. Our National Guard has been operating at a fast tempo for years now. My husband has been gone almost 5 of the last 10 years. I share that not as a complaint, I went into this eyes wide open. I share that as a testament to what National Guard members and families are going through. Jobs come and go, our insurance turns on and off with a fee to reconnect, and our taxes are a nightmare, not to mention the stress on relationships with spouses and children. The sacrifice is real even without a PCS. We both have a love of community, a love of Country and dedication to service. This dedication to service serves as a strong bond for us.

Share an example of your leadership experience within the military community:
I have served my region as a Congressional Aide for over 15 years. As the District Director for a United States Congressman, I have the honor of helping active and reserve military, veterans and their families navigate the Federal system. I have done a great deal of work with the VA and DOD to help our most deserving individuals. I also serve my community as the second term President of the Marne Chapter of AUSA. I am also the past President of the Rotary International Regional 6920 E-Club and a Charter Member of the Liberty County Kiwanis Club. I am also an American Legion Auxiliary Member.

Describe your involvement in the military community:
I touch every branch of the military in my community. I am an active presence on Ft. Stewart and Hunter Army Air Field, Kings Bay Naval Station we are blessed with all branches being represented at those locations. More importantly than simply attending events and ceremonies, I make myself available to assist military members and families with Federal Issues. Everything from last minute passports to VA issues as they out-process from service.

Describe how you support your community:
I am an active member of my community. Born and raised in this region, I lived less than a mile from Ft. Stewart Headquarters for over 35 years. I am an Army girl! Through my career, I have been very blessed to learn and help members of each branch of service. Through my Presidency of the Marne AUSA Chapter, we shifted our focus from awards and ribbons to the soldiers and their families. We make intentional decision on where our funding will go and try to make a real impact. Our Chapter has recently offered leadership classes to soldiers and afforded them some incredible opportunities for advancement.

What do you advocate for? Why?
I advocate for resource awareness. There are so many incredible programs and organizations out there, but so many of our service members and families are not connected to them. Some service members don't ask for the help and others struggle to connect with the appropriate resource. I am passionate about getting the resources to the National Guard and Reserve, so many of these members and their families are physically separated from the military community and lack the knowledge shared by others. I spearhead an annual Military Resource Fair in my region that brings VSO's, Non-Profit Organizations and the Veteran Administration into one room for service members and their family members or caregivers to receive vital information.

How have you spread the message of your platform/advocacy?
I attend veteran service organization meetings, veteran council meetings, military spouse club meetings, and military instillation events and ceremonies. I also bring the knowledge of the needs and concerns of the military community into the Congressional Office and my other civic organizations.

What do you hope to accomplish with the AFI Military Spouse of the Year® title?
My goal is to vanquish the phrase, "just Guard" and share the knowledge that all of our military members and their families need resources. Many of these resources already exist. It is up to all of us to support them and connect those in need with the agencies and organizations designed to help.


Brooke is passionate about helping the military community, specifically helping veterans navigate the VA system. She is the spouse of a GA National Guard Cyber Security soldier, mother of three children (one of which is special needs), and has been on the staff of Congressman Buddy Carter for 15 years. Through her time as a congressional staffer she has supported her soldier through a significant number of deployments and trainings that have kept them separated for over five of the last 12 years acting as a geographical single parent with a more than full time job. She is also in her second term as AUSA president for the Marne/Ft Stewart chapter. She is active with her children's schools, and very present in the local community. She is continually finding ways to help soldiers and veterans have a better life.
- by Heather Brock