Brittany Farthing
Branch: Air Force
Duty Station: Tinker Air Force Base
Number of Deployments: 10
Number of PCS's: 3
Share your military spouse story:
It all started about 19 years ago. I was playing in a volleyball tournament and had been keeping my cousin in the loop of our success. His phone had died while he was out so he called me from a friends to let me know. When I called the number back that friend insisted I talk to him first because it was his phone after all. I never thought that one conversation would lead to a lifetime of adventure and happiness we have now!
I have been a military spouse for 14 years and it has been one of the most challenging, yet rewarding things I've ever experienced in life. While we have endured many deployments and a handful of duty stations every experience is worth it. The military is a community like none other and no matter where they send you there are people that make it feel like home.
Share an example of your leadership experience within the military community:
My time as a military spouse has come with many leadership opportunities over the years but I think my favorite leadership role I help was a key spouse. As a key spouse I was able to help new members locate information they needed and get settled into their new life on base. I was also called upon to help when spouses were deployed or new babies were born. One of my favorite key spouse memories was porch delivering a birthday surprise to a military teen because one parent was gone and the other was so busy. It is instilling that sense of comradery into the next generation that makes being a military spouse leader so important. Reminding each other we are never alone!
Describe your involvement in the military community:
There have been many opportunities for me to be involved in our military community over the years. I have enjoyed serving the community by volunteering for family days, helping at the local library, assisting the USO at local events and my all time favorite of volunteering during an air show!
Describe how you support your community:
Community is what makes us successful! As much as I pride myself on being organized, accomplished, strong and motivated there have been multiple times that I have to rely on my community to help me be successful. Just this year I have went back to a classroom to teach adorable 2nd graders! I am proud to be serving our community by educating our youth. In recent years I have also spent my time serving with the Make a Wish Foundation and Night to Shine Prom. Any chance I get to put a smile on some ones face I consider it an accomplishment!
What do you advocate for? Why?
I advocate for inclusion. We may not all be the smartest or the prettiest or the most athletic, but we all have something to offer and that should be the most important. We all have talents that can contribute to one another's success so if we work together we can all gain something.
How have you spread the message of your platform/advocacy?
I have communicated this message to everyone I encounter in my role as key spouse. I had the opportunity a few years ago to serve as Mrs. Oklahoma United States and was able to amplify my voice to really speak out on inclusion and families. No two families look or experience the same things. As humans we are quick to judge and project our own situations on people, but we never really know what someone is going through until we slow down and listen. Once you include people in your thoughts and conversations you really get to know who they are.
What do you hope to accomplish with the AFI Military Spouse of the Year®
With the AFI Military Spouse of the Year title I would focus on accomplishing inclusion within our installments. Making spouses voices really feel like they are being heard by the command and that they are making a difference in the communities they serve.

Where to start! Brittany has been a leader since she was a child. As a young girl she was motivated to help others and would come up with some really unique ways to do so. For 14 years she has served as a military spouse and has always put her family and the Air Force first. Just this year Brittany has gone back to teaching and I can tell she is loving every minute of it! She is a dedicated educator both inside and outside of her classroom. I am nominating Brittany for this award because she has a natural ability to impact people's lives in a positive manner and shine a light wherever she goes. She deserves to have this honor and to continue to serve on a platform such as this.
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Tiffany Spivey