Angelica M. Garner

Branch: Army

Duty Station: Fort Knox

Number of Deployments: 3

Number of PCS's: 6

Share your military spouse story:
My military spouse story began 25 years ago. My husband and I met in the eighth-grade. He was outgoing, talented, and truly had a passion for life. We became good friends and continued our matriculation from middle school to high school. Once in high school, we began our courtship. We grew together, learned together, and made many mistakes together. Nevertheless, our love and partnership continued to flourish effortlessly. After 9 years of young love, we were married and my life as a military spouse commenced. During my tenure as a military spouse, I have had the distinct pleasure of supporting military personnel and their families for over 14 years. With roles in victim advocacy, family readiness, and military spouse empowerment, I have been afforded an opportunity to give back wholeheartedly. My most favorite experience, as a FRG Co-Leader at Fort Riley, Kansas, made me the person I am today. When I took on the position as co-leader, my husband was in command, I was a student completing my bachelor's degree online, and we were raising three-year old triplet girls. It was a trying time to say the least, but it was one that built my character and enhanced my desire to serve my community. In the FRG co-leader role, me and my partner created programming that is still being utilized today. From BBQ lunch fundraisers, deployment gift boxes, annual Easter egg hunts, and the end of the year family picnic; I am humbled by our efforts and the impact that was made so many years ago. Now, as the Education Advocate with the Military Spouses Advocacy Network, a mother of four children, a Certified Professional Life Coach, an Adjunct Instructor, and children's book author, I have continued in my efforts to inspire, empower, engage, and advocate for the military community. It is an honor to serve in this capacity, and I am eager to continue for many more years to come.

Share an example of your leadership experience within the military community:
As an Education Advocate and Army Spouse Mentor with the Military Spouses Advocacy Network, I have been granted an opportunity to expound on my leadership abilities. With weekly posts that are personal to the needs of our military spouse community, I provide educational resources, guidance, and assistance to military spouses across the nation. I act as a liaison to spouses, mentors, and advocates within our military spouse community and create a welcoming atmosphere that is conducive to the varying needs of a diverse military spouse population. I am a voice for my mentees, a support system to my team, and one of the many managers of the Military Spouse Advocacy Network experience. I am elated to have been given an opportunity to lead within a prestigious organization that is geared toward the betterment of all military members and their families. I am eager to continue in my service with the Military Spouse Advocacy Network and grow as an advocate, mentor, and leader.

Describe your involvement in the military community:
From the very beginning of my time as a military spouse, I had a desire to immerse myself in the military community and genuinely connect with military personnel and their families. Aside from my volunteer efforts with the FRG and the Military Spouse Advocacy Network, I launched and lead Edu.AIM. Edu.AIM is a volunteer organization where we focus on the importance of academia, inclusivity, and mentorship within the military spouse community. Within this organization, I provide free counsel to military spouses who have a desire to achieve their scholastic aspirations. Through this service, I have guided many military spouses in their quest to complete their college degree and I am excited to share that I have two spouses who will graduate in May of 2023!

Describe how you support your community:
As a military spouse and mother, I know how significant it is to have experiences that are beneficial to the entire family. Most recently, my children and I recognized that our local community had an influx of veteran homelessness. In recognizing this sad truth, we created blessing bags that included toiletries, food, and money. I found this act to be critical to not only my community, but to the growth of my children’s desire to serve. As a leader and change agent, it is extremely necessary for me to be an example to my children. Through this act of service to our community, my children now have a greater desire to do more for those in need.

What do you advocate for? Why?
I advocate for military families. As a mom of four and an Army spouse of 14 years, I desire to utilize my platform to create programming and resources that nurture the significance of military families. I find it necessary for our military families to have memorable moments that cater to their growth, positivity, and quality of life. I look forward to working further to create optimal environments that are conducive to the longevity of military family units.

How have you spread the message of your platform/advocacy?
Social media is a major component to the way in which we communicate. In sharing my message of military spouse empowerment, diversity, equity, and inclusion, I make certain to utilize all forms of social media. From Facebook, Instagram, and the Military Spouse Advocacy Network Hub, I frequently express my passion for the military spouse community. Through blog posts, respectful dialogue, and networking, I have connected my message to the world. I am grateful to have been given an opportunity to use my voice to shed light on the relevancy of military families.

What do you hope to accomplish with the AFI Military Spouse of the Year® title?
With the AFI Military Spouse of the Year title, I hope to continue to bring awareness to the needs of the military community. I desire to use my voice to inspire, empower, engage, and advocate for a community that means so much to me. I am grateful for the work of the AFI and I am thrilled to have been nominated for such an esteemed honor. I look forward to learning more ways to enhance the experiences of all military communities.


Angelica is a loving and dedicated individual who always puts the needs of others ahead of her own. Her heart of servitude is evident in every space she encounters. Angelica devotes countless of hours volunteering with various military-related organizations. From a Family Readiness Group leader, Key Caller, and Care-Team member, Angelica has continued to embody a true sense of philanthropy. Most recently, she is the current Education Advocate and an Army Spouse Mentor with the Military Spouse Advocacy Network (MSAN). Through this organization, Angelica regularly supports military spouses in their quest to achieve their educational goals. Angelica is proof that military spouses are the true backbone of the military community. I am confident that she will not only represent Armed Forces Insurance with grace, but she will also motivate others to join in her mission to inspire, empower, engage, and advocate for the military community.
- by Bryant Garner